Maddie Inducted as Templars Leader

With the retirement of Racecar, the Templars inducted Maddie to take his place as leader. It will be interesting to see how the Templars run under her leadership and what she will accomplish.

Maddie joined the army community in December 2021, her first army being the Templars. With the knights being her only army, she has remained loyal by working her way up the ranks and being an active member of the community.

A recent Templars event where they maxed 23 penguins online

Just two days ago, on Friday, Maddie became a leader of this prestige army. She started to work up the ranks as a staff member when she became a Higher Command in April 2022. A few months later, in November 2022, she got promoted to Leader in Training. It would not take long for her to work her way up to the Grand Prior rank.

Maddie and her fellow leadership team

Club Penguin Armies reached out to Maddie to ask about her recent promotion.

How did you feel when you realized you were a leader?

I mean I was shocked and excited since its my first ever time being a leader but also nervous at the same time.

What are your favorite memories from Templars?

It’s a hard question for me to answer since im not sure but i would just say whenever we win big battles.

What goals would you like to set or achieve under your leadership?

A goal that I would wanna achieve while being a leader for Templars is just helping everyone can I can and to also help them become a leader of themselves but also to just change anything I can to approve Templars altogether.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

Not really.

From the response above, it seems like Maddie is ready to embark on her duties as a leader. We wish her the best of luck with her future endeavors! With March Madness creeping up, do you think this change in leadership will affect the Templars’ empire? Could they be able to win March Madness?

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