A “Twist” In The Tale: Dance Moms Army Waltz Their Way In

Dance has arrived in this community! With the Dance Moms Army opening only recently, they are certain to keep us on our toes throughout their journey here. So let us all give this a whirl and see what the Dance Moms have planned for the future of their army, and what they hope to accomplish.

Dance Moms Army was created by Purple and Headchicken on May 10, 2022. Before 2023, the army functioned solely as a hangout server for friends. However, in the wake of the new year, the army has decided to hit the dance floor and show us their moves. This generation of the army is being led by three Competition Commanders – Purple and Headchicken, and Holly, who was inducted as a leader on February 8. The army had its opening event (its first dance competition) on February 11, for which 14 dancers showed up to cheer for and welcome the army into the community.

Dance Moms Army’s Opening Event

Since then, the army has allied with the Ice Warriors, the Water Vikings, and the Penguins of Madagascar. They have also hosted a training event, with its theme being Valentine’s Day, on February 14, for which the army maxed a size of 15.

Valentines Day-themed Event

Besides this, the Dance Moms have already scheduled three of their upcoming events, which happen to be a Mean Girls-themed event, a Dancing Pineapples Takeover, and a Practice Battle with the Penguins of Madagascar. They registered as an army right after their opening event, and have been officially accepted at the Club Penguin Armies.

To learn more about the army and its future plans, we reached out to the founders, Purple and Headchicken for an interview.

What is the reason behind opening this army?

Purple: DMA was made as a joke, we didn’t think we will make it an actual army but here we are. But To be honest, I’m glad we did, it’s a good way to see what it’s like to be a leader.

Headchicken: The reason behind opening DMA was as simple as just to have fun in the army community. With a bunch of new S/M armies opening up, we thought it would be a fun idea, as well as I get to lead alongside some of my good friends!

Why did you decide on keeping the name of the army as “Dance Moms”?

Purple: Dance moms is a popular show about dance, and it’s me and HeadChicken’s favorite show so we decided why not make an army called “dance moms” just for fun, so that’s how we choose that name, and it’s also different from all the current armies.

Headchicken: We chose the name “Dance Moms Army” mostly because Dance Moms is such a great show that is loved by tons of my friends so we decided why not create a Dance Moms-themed army!

Would this army function as any other army in this community, or has this just been created for fun?

Purple: As I said before it was made for fun, but I’ll be happy to see this army grow like other armies and maybe do more fun battles with our allies and more events like tournaments and such.

Headchicken: It’s probably going to function similarly to most of the current armies in CPA. Though it was mostly created for fun, we still want to accomplish large achievements within the community!

What are your future plans for the army, and how do you wish to execute these plans?

Purple: We got a few plans in mind, like trying to grow this army as much as possible and maybe one day become a major army who knows what’s gonna happen 🤭

Headchicken: As for plans, I would say trying to become a part of the major status armies would be super cool to see for our army. Although it will take a lot of effort and upwards of months for that to happen, it’s always good to have something in mind to motivate you.

Given that you have been in the army community for quite some time, what would you say would be the learning experiences that you would like to incorporate within this army?

Purple: Definitely hosting more games events, it’s always fun to do events like hide and seek, and games tournaments.

Headchicken: I definitely want to incorporate fun game events on CPAB, such as hide & seek, racing events, etc. Throughout the events I’ve attended for different armies, those types of events have always sparked my interest and It would be nice to have them more often in DMA.

Where do you see the army going in a few months’ time?

Purple: For now we will focus on the present but I would love to see this army become bigger than it is right now.

Headchicken: I would love to see DMA grow more by getting more troops! Building a safe and fun community is something that is important for all armies and we would love to see happen in the near future of Dance Moms Army! 🫶

It seems that Purple and Headchiken, along with Holly, are all set to put their best foot forward (literally and figuratively) with this army. We wish them and the Dance Moms Army, the very best in all of their future endeavors.

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