The Red Ravagers Return

Red Ravagers have announced that they will be returning to the army community. Let us find out what made them come back, and what their upcoming goals are for this generation!

Red Ravagers were created in May 2020 by Max and Honda. During their first event on June 9, 2020, the army maxed a total of 12 troops, officializing the army in Club Penguin Army Media. Their successful opening event set the tone for what was to come.

Red Ravagers opening event in June 2020

Their most notable accomplishment was participating in March Madness VI. As a small-medium army, the Red Ravagers were seen as the underdogs. Although the community had low confidence in them, the Ravagers managed to knock out Templars, a major army, in the first round. The army also participated in various wars against armies such as the Silver Empire, Mercenaries, and Fighter Pilots. During their battles, the Red Ravagers consistently showed sizes of 20+ troops, achieving the highest maxes ever seen before within the army. 

Red Ravagers battle against Silver Empire

Earlier this year, the Ravagers attended March Madness VII against the Silver Empire but could not advance to the second bracket. The army’s final tournament before closure was meant to be the Beach Brawl of 2022, but due to unknown reasons they withdrew from battle only 10 minutes before begin.

Red Ravagers against Silver Empire in March Madness VII

On October 18, the Red Ravagers announced their return to the community after a 3-month break. The revival event will be taking place on Friday, October 28, and the army is currently to be led by Action, a veteran Ravager.

Action’s revival announcement

To discuss the revival further, Club Penguin Armies reached out to Action for a brief interview:

Red Ravagers has been closed for three months now, why did you decide to revive it?

I was bored, and our last generation didn’t end properly. The Red Ravagers have always held a special place in my heart, and I decided to revive it now. Plus, we have more S/M armies now, and I have a few bones to pick with personally as well

What goals are you hoping to achieve for the army?

Well, I’ve got a bet in place so I wanna max 30+, become major and hit top 5 on the top ten. Beyond that? I wanna show everyone what Red Ravagers truly is. We are a force to be reckoned with, and everyone will see it this time around.

What can the community expect to see from this generation that’s different from the past ones?

More war definitely. Like I said, I have a bone to pick with certain people and certain armies. RR was always the friendly army avoiding war, and we’re still friendly. But we won’t avoid wars anymore

Action ensures that in this generation, the Red Ravagers will be prepared for any obstacles thrown at them. The army has set a goal of going above and beyond their past generations. Action makes it clear that the Red Ravagers will continue with its’ friendly policies. However, they will not fear anyone coming their way this time. We are excited to see the Red Ravagers return to the community!

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