Kally Announces Retirement From Ice Warriors Leadership

After serving as a leader for a year, Kally has announced her retirement from the Ice Warriors. Her retirement event took place on August 13.

Kally’s journey in the army community began in August 2018 when she joined the Pirates as a troop. She then joined the Elite Trackers and Activities two months later and stayed there until the army eventually shut down. Afterwards, Kally ended up joining the Doritos as a troop, entering the staff team in just three months. Due to internal conflicts, she switched to the Crimson Guardians, later joining the Ice Warriors the next day. Two months after entering the staff team, Kally earned the role of Trusted Staff, becoming a Leader in Training four months later.

In April 2021, Kally officially became a leader of the Ice Warriors. During her reign as leader, she brought the Ice Warriors to the semifinals during the Legends Cup XI tournament and the finals of the Christmas Chaos tournament. In 2022, Kally led the Ice Warriors to the finals of the AUSIA Arena tournament and won March Madness for the third time in a row. While leading the Ice Warriors, Kally also led the Water Ninjas and the Hold Bugs Army, receiving an induction to the Ninjas’ Hall of Fame.

Ice Warriors vs. Help Force during March Madness

On August 13, Kally held her retirement event with a max of 33 troops in attendance. She then released her retirement post in which Kally discusses her army career from the very beginning while giving many messages and thanks to her friends and people who have helped her out on her journey.

Kally Retirement

Kally’s retirement event

Club Penguin Armies reached out to Kally for an exclusive interview about her retirement and future plans.

What is your favorite memory during your time in the Ice Warriors?

A core memory I will never forget was the euphoria of IW defeating RPF in the March Madness Semi-Finals in 2022. After almost losing to Water Vikings in the Quarters, we were all putting in 200% of our energy and working overtime to get that battle win in the Semis. Considering I was nearing my 1 year anniversary as leader, I felt really defeated since we were stuck in a cycle of losses against RPF. Finally seeing that IW win made me burst into tears instantly because I knew all that hard work had paid off. After that I knew, nothing could stop us from winning the whole tournament.

What was your biggest challenge leading the Ice Warriors and how did you overcome it?

Honestly, there’s so many different factors but for me it was keeping up the excitement and the motivation. There were definitely times where I felt like everything was pointless and that I should just walk away. On top of that, people can be plain rude and just toxic when you’re in such a prominent spot for such a long time. At the end of the day I listened to my friends whom I cherish the most and they showed me that it’s worth sticking around.

Who do you give credit to for your Ice Warriors journey?

From day 1, no one in this community has influenced and supported me more than Iceyfeet1234 himself. No matter what problems I’ve had, he was always there to talk to me and to give me advice on how to proceed. He truly has so much experience in just dealing with people. I really cherished him calming me down whenever needed, and even being my cheerleader if I ever needed some motivation.

How did it feel leading the Ice Warriors with the same people you led the Water Ninjas with?

Not going to lie, it was a completely different experience. We have all aged and matured so much and our friendships have definitely grown over the years. For Water Ninjas, we were all just having fun, trying out dumb things we felt like doing, but in Ice Warriors it suddenly got serious. It’s been tough separating our friendships from being IW admins, but I think we did well all in all and I couldn’t imagine leading such a massive army with anybody else.

What are you planning to do after retirement?

I’ll have a Long Island Iced Tea and take a long nap. Well, I’ll be sticking around as IW advisor for as long as they need me. I’m keeping my positions as CPAB moderator and as CPA Editor-in-Chief as well, so I’ll still be doing some smaller projects here and there. As for touching grass, I have some big changes coming up in my life which I’m quite excited for!

What was a lesson you learned while leading?

“Sometimes you have to realize that, you just can’t do something yet. You gotta let time come into play. You can’t rush things or expect to have or be something. Good things take time” – A close friend once messaged me that during a really bad anxious episode, and it just stuck with me. All tournament wins, top ten #1’s, they all take time. You can’t become the best overnight.

Although Kally has now retired from her leadership position, she plans to stay as an advisor. How will the Ice Warriors fare following the retirement of their leader Kally?

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One Response

  1. AhsokaTano24 August 13, 2022 (9:36 pm)

    Congrats Kally! May the force be with you!

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