Life Before Leadership: Cabin’s Journey to Leader

KLONDIKE, CP Army Headquarters – Welcome to ‘Life Before Leadership.’ In this column, I will be looking at one particular leader from any of the armies in the community, and know about their army history to understand the journey they have taken to get to the position of Leader that they currently hold within their respective army.

For the very first edition of the ‘Life Before Leadership’ column, we shall take a look at one of the leaders of the People’s Imperial ConfederationCabin, and know more about his army history to understand the journey he has traversed in order to get to where he is today.

Cabin joined the army community by getting recruited into the Golden Troops from Club Penguin in 2014. He attended a few events for them before he left the army to join the Pirates. Within Pirates, he was not too active, but that eventually led him to join the Light Troops in 2015 where he got fourth in command. After having served the Light Troops as a fourth in command, he left the army to join the Blue Miners Army. Cabin attained the position of second in command there before heading to the Dauntless Army, where he was the Supreme Commander before the army merged into the Light Troops. After that, he entered the media community and opened up his own news organization called Club Penguin Army Coffee Table which saw huge success. Cabin, then, joined the Night Rebels as a moderator, eventually making it to HCOM.

After he left Night Rebels, Cabin took a short break from armies, until he joined the Recon Federation of Club Penguin in 2019, eventually making it to third in command. Soon afterward, he left the RFCP as he thought of it as a terrible army. When Cabin left RFCP, he opened an army called Club Penguin Guard, hoping to go to war with RFCP someday. But he closed the army in a week due to no support and poor recruiting skills.

Once Cabin closed his army, he went back to Light Troops as second in command but he left shortly afterward and went on a pause again. Sometime in 2020, Cabin came back into the community as a member in the Army of Club Penguin before switching to the Romans as a second in command but left when their generation came to an end in April. And now we move on to see Cabin’s journey to a leader in the People’s Imperial Confederation.

On March 22, 2021, Cabin joined the People’s Imperial Confederation as a fifth in command. He used a lot of time recruiting and attending events which had him promoted to HCOM. Once Cabin received Leader in Training he improved his quality of leading and found better-recruiting ways. Some days went by where he would be recruiting several days in a row. Around the time of Cabin being a leader in training, he was working for the CP Army Wiki as well. 10 days after Cabin received legend in PIC, he got his promotion to Leader.

I had the opportunity to talk to Cabin and ask him some questions about his army history, and his journey towards leadership.

                          What would you say was your favorite part of your army history?

I would have to say that my favorite part of my army history is joining the People’s Imperial Confederation in the first place. Although I have experienced some rough patches while serving within the army, I would not trade my time in the army for time in any other army.

Do you think you could have done something to make your journey to leader different? If so how?

I feel I would have become leader faster if I was more mature and professional while I was below the rank. Though it can be agreed that I have been mature and professional at least a bit throughout that time, I definitely lacked some leadership qualities which I believe I have now.

What would you say was your hardest/ toughest time in the army community?

I would have to say that the toughest time I had in the army community would be when I was blamed for participating in a raid targeting a RFCP event in early 2020 (which ultimately led RFCP declaring war on the army I was in). I was being blamed left and right for it, even by my own colleagues. It was hard to provide evidence that I did not do it because I did not do it. All I could use to push back against these accusations was my own voice, regardless if people thought I was trustworthy or not.

Do you say that you could have made armies be more enjoyable for you? If you think yes then how?

Though this might be cringe to say, my time within the community has brought me a lot of stress. A big reason for this could be because I have been taking this maybe a little bit too seriously. Maybe if I spent my time being less serious about this whole penguin thing, stress from it would probably not exist to me. Today, I feel less stressed about this whole thing because I realize at the end of the day this means little to nothing to me.
It’s definitely safe to say that Cabin has been around in the army community for a long time. He has also been part of multiple armies, helping him to gain experience and knowledge, before eventually being inducted as a leader for the People’s Imperial Confederation. We wish him the best of luck with the continuation of his leadership and we cannot wait to see what 2022 has in store for him!


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  1. Fulcrum23 January 14, 2022 (9:04 pm)


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