Editorial: The Epic of Xing, The Second Prophet to Grace Armies

KLONDIKE, CPA Headquarters, Zamb’s Desk – As we reach the new year, there are already incoming predictions about what changes will the year see? 2021 was shaky, but armies began to come together and find their footing in the community again. Especially Templars, who have significantly grown to sit in the top three. Xing, the main leader of the Templars, is a greater phenomenon to armies than what we’ve expected, and here is why.

Table of Contents:
Part I: What Does It Mean To Be a Prophet?

Part II: Xing, The Prophet of Jerusalem

Part I: What Does It Mean To Be a Prophet?


To the community, fulfilling the role of a prophet means to guide the community in a proper direction. For the better or the worse, the direction has to point upwards and bring the community to a greater light. It’s a broad concept, but anyone can fit the criteria of a prophet, it’s a matter of how influential you are. Some prophets managed to ascend past others, as did Muhammad when he founded Islam.

Though anyone can be debated as a proper fit for the role, there are standards. In our community, former CEO of CP Army Central, Bluesockwa1, had recognized Elmikey as one of such prophets. In this post, Elmikey’s accomplishments have been described as influential, yet detrimental. At the cost of expanding our very community, he indoctrinated his sector into taking the game far more seriously. Did he fit the role as a proper leader? Absolutely. Elmikey’s involvement in an army saw no short of greatness, but a deficiency of a proper community. The controversy behind Elm’s character attests to his legend title and his influence on the modern community today.

Having established the Rebel Penguin Federation as a pioneer of innovation and community leaders, he spearheaded the entirety of armies to follow in pursuit and created a focal antagonist. His engagement with the community extended past doing it for fun, developing a religious adherence to the game. Some chose to ridicule him for his resolution, even going as far as mailing diapers found here. Yet, what he left behind shaped the present community, including the media, battles, and other aspects. It’s a hasty generalization to give such an appraisal to an individual, especially one who spent their childhood in armies as did the rest of us. Examining Bluesockwa’s post, we’ll revisit the points that coined him as such a prophet.

“A stunning superiority complex.”

As any other major army leader would have, Elmikey had a superiority complex. It’s given, considering the armies he led amassed the greatest troops throughout army history. As stated, the superiority complex displays itself best through stubbornness. Such stubbornness rejected ideas that weren’t his, which works for the greater or worse.

Philosophy varies based on the subject and the individuals at hand, but such a philosophy is a culmination of experiences and conflicting ideas forcing your own to defend themselves. An army philosophy varies from stances on war, isolationism or liberalism, egalitarians in power or disparity, etc. Searching his name on CP Army Central brings up several controversial posts, mainly about overthrowing and couping him. The differences in leadership spoke volumes, and Elmikey’s refusal to change his own ideology contributed to his influence.

“A struggling relationship with reality.”

To achieve a goal, we encourage ourselves to think bigger than the picture. If a goal was to achieve a certain job by a young age, you may aspire for something greater, such as a prestigious education. Even in our run-down community, we make goals and attempt to steer towards them. Proof?

Legends voting, which at the time of writing is ongoing. Though, arguably, legends are a position resulting from elitism, to even be an elite means you have accomplished something significant. Army legend may be in favor of certain individuals but isn’t entirely rigged. Elmikey’s reality paled in comparison to the others in armies. Bringing in the majority of recruits to the community, perhaps even more than 50%, is no big achievement. However, such fanatical aspirations don’t end there.

Often, they’re corrupted by paranoia that a greater power than what we hold interferes in our goals, and our well-being. Such paranoia created superstitions of a Club Penguin deep state (Club Penguin Illuminati) or a certain army holding complete power over media. Armies had greater influence over the media than you’d expect, but complete control was impossible based on the merit-based system hanging by a thread. Elm’s crippling relationship with reality caused him to undergo greater stress than he should’ve, also contributing to rash decisions.

“A fear of intellect and differing opinions.”

As mentioned in the previous points, Elmikey surrounded himself around powerful people, yet often conflicted with them. During his tenures at the Light Troops, Doritos, Rebel Penguin Federation, and the Dark Warriors, leading alongside him were other big names. Today, power distributes itself unequally, as some leaders stand out more than others. Often, there is the main lead role, where a certain individual distinct themselves. Aside from big names, another common trend in these armies was how terribly it ended. Often ending in scandals to overthrow the prophet, several interviews indicated their intentions were based on the difference in opinions. These slippery slopes result from a shift of blame from himself to those in power, which at the time was the CP Army Central. When the website posted news regarding the Rebel Penguin Federation, Elmikey believed the blame lies in CPAC, not himself.

“A need to be the one and only definer.”

This one is tricky to define because it’s associated with specifics rather than being a general theme. Not as lengthy, but the premise behind this is how Elmikey’s vocabulary revolves around his ego. He who defines his own words sums it up best. His antagonization of CPAC attests to this, as quoted in the post and initially on the Dark Warriors website:

I don’t know why people are confused and think CPAC are CP Armies. They’re not the head and life of the community, they’re just a thing that gives their opinion on who they think is the best army that week. Over the years armies have become lost and gone very off course. We should make CP Armies awesome and massively fun for all. Top army leaders such as Waterkid, and organizations like CPAC are against that. They’re twisted people that just want to chat and not go on CP. Well about 50% of the CP Army community are new recruits that joined thanks to me. I am going to give them what they want, and do my own thing. I have the power to do so, the only reason CPAC is relevant is because we are still following them. They cannot define what we are, because their definition of what CP Armies should be, is merely, some morons opinion. They are blind to see how great, fun, and massive CP Armies can be.

“A fear of progress as a community.”

At a time where he controlled warfare, Elmikey weld greater power over the system than even media. With the biggest army and having been responsible for most of Club Penguin Army’s very own troops, he ingrained in them his definitions. The same definitions inscribed by the ego were archaic ones he had grown up with. As mentioned by Bluesockwa1, Elmikey opposed any innovation towards warfare and continued to side with snowball warfare or any attempts at reform.

“Implementation of a tribal mentality in his armies.”

It’s rare to see the tribal mentality nowadays. Why? The average age of the community significantly shifted from 10-15 to 18-20+. At our current ages, we’ve developed far greater than our counterparts and have greater social skills. Obviously, it’s better to have social skills than to not, but it made our community fragile as a result. Some call it brainwashing, others call it nationalism. Strong sentiment towards your army, it’s only natural to display patriotism unlike any other. Having pride in your origins and your current army makes us strong individuals. However, brainwashing is applicable when the degree of nationalism is almost religious.

In an editorial by Wgfv found here, he investigated the extremism of the Rebel Penguin Federation and Elmikey’s role in all three parts. Several of the images showed almost schismatic devotion towards the army. Even comparing their practices to the likes of Mussolini’s domestic policies, the indoctrination of their recruits is frightening. Taking advantage of childhood immaturity and shifting it to a blind admiration halted the community’s progress. Rather than creating leaders, which we have no shortage of today, armies previously faced the opposite issue. A shortage of leaders and no end to the barbaric recruits.


Contributions both pushed forward the community while weighing it downwards. When I took physics last year, we learned a basic principle of Newton’s. An object in motion stays in motion, as an object at rest stays at rest. Prophets, such as Elmikey, resembled those in motion but failed to move at a constant velocity. Without any acting forces on the object, it’ll continue to move at a constant rate, but the acting forces changed the rate for the better or the worse.

The acting forces being the decrees spread and institutionalized by our very own haruspex. You don’t necessarily have to be a bad person to be a prophet, you simply have to move in greater directions than one. Rather than changing the army, the goal is to change the system.

Armies have bred their own great figures, some of whom made their contributions throughout history. Of course, none have compared to the greats, one mentioned significantly in the first section. Since 2017, the community had a grace period of inactivity and less prominence, but it gave birth to a new generation.

“Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.”

Hard times brought the community to their knees and begged the question of why we continued to hold the dying embers of Club Penguin armies? Those who left amid the dark ages are lost in the sands of time, with few to no records to prove their existence. On the other hand, others stepped up to the podium and grew their own prominence.

One who stepped forth and never yielded from his throne was Xing, this year’s person of the year and perhaps one of the most significant leaders throughout the CPPS-era.

Part II: Xing, The Prophet of Jerusalem

Xing, the creator of Templars, began his conquest in 2018. Having minimal, but experience, he knew somewhat of the army world. What he didn’t know was the legacy he left behind effectively shaping the world of private servers. In a similar fashion to the Rebel Penguin Federation, Xing was one of our recent turning points and a prophet for more of the better than the worse. A saving grace, a messiah, he’s someone who lit the fire in armies and brought our community on two feet.

Is Xing the next Elmikey? Probably not (yet).

Compared to both resumes’, Elmikey played a big role in both Club Penguin prime and rewritten. Xing’s accomplishments exist solely in our realm, unrecognized by the past but much relevant today. Templars never held ultimate power in the entirety of their existence. The power flickered, either peaking or drastically declining.

Regardless, Xing held prominence through controversy or accomplishments by his army. To clarify again, the role of a prophet isn’t to vilify a person, as it seemed for Elmikey. A prophet is a person capable of moving the community forward in unconventional ways. Another prophet that comes to mind is Epic101. As influential as he was (arguably the most influential private server legend), he derived power from media and an already high position to execute power. Xing, on the other hand, came from the ashes and preached his word until it became code of law.

So what are the tenets followed by Xing, and regulated by the Templar Order? Same as Elmikey’s, because it ultimately comes down to interpretation. Xing’s portrayal of his beliefs varies and differs from Elm’s own execution, but does line up. Without further delay, here are the creeds of the Prophet of Jerusalem.

“A stunning superiority complex.”

Since returning to the community after a three-year delay, I met Xing through him offering me a rank. This was the first, but I expected it to be the last. Instead, Xing’s persistence continued to pester me with ranks until my affiliation conflicted with his own. Such persistence is only a subset of his superiority complex, which those who heard him in voice chat understand best. Xing doesn’t revolve around the community, the community revolves around him. Such a heliocentric relationship only strengthens the ego, which works in his favor. As a result of his firm resolve, the Templars never waivered in community relations. Xing understood how to stand his ground and defend himself, using stubbornness as a first to last resort.

“A struggling relationship with reality.”

Because of his length succeeding my own in the private server era, I admit I’m unsure of Xing’s goals. His ambitions are more than legend, or recognition or anything materialized. Such length breeds greater goals than another, but within the timeframe of their existence, he’s achieved everything possible in armies. From falling to grace to ascending to the throne, the endless cycle propagated endlessly, but repetitive short-term goals. Xing’s distorted relationship with reality is what contributes to his reign. Without a definite goal or a proper relationship with reality, Xing fails to create expectations. Instead, he defines the expectations. His goals don’t fall short, but rather have to the real end.

“A fear of intellect and differing opinions.”

The Templars centered around Xing, and that’s for a legitimate reason. The relationship described under the section regarding his superiority complex had to do with one center point, not many. Powerful individuals joined the Templars over time, some being Elmikey himself, Cobra, Epic, and others. However, what influence have they had on the army. Yes, they possibly enacted new changes, tampered with the system, or changed integral parts. But, inside the army itself, did their word rival Xing? Probably not. Xing doesn’t fear intellect, but he fears his creation being usurped by an outsider. Even within the army today, he remains the center of its workings and who knows how they’ll function without his benevolence?

“A need to be the one and only definer.”

It isn’t a secret how the Templars hold a controversial past. However, it isn’t my place to describe everything they’ve done. I’m guilty of certain things too, as is everyone else. What makes the Templars’ controversies so significant is the fact that they faced forced isolation from several leagues. Being pushed to the corner of the community along the likes of the Recon Federation, who the two have warred and hold great distaste for each other, Xing has yet to waiver. He wandered through storms of betrayal and created his own definition of armies. One that he stood strong besides, and expanded by his own experiences, not anyone else’s. In the following post here, posted on the Templars website, Xing, similarly to Elmikey, called on the CP Army Hub to change their definition of Club Penguin armies. What’s different is that he called upon the community as a whole to make such a change, stating,

In short, I am calling for the complete decentralization of the Club Penguin Army Community and elimination of CPAH as a league and restricting CPAH to a news organization ALONE. In these past few weeks, CPAH has shown their complete incompetence get in the way of how different armies function and let their poor feelings get in the way of administrative decisions. No organization should have the power to dictate the internal workings of an army no matter how “toxic” or “racist” they are. Armies are Armies. Leave them alone.

Xing’s definition of armies has to do with the next point, but the post indicates only his definition should be absolute. Even when cornered by what was arguably the biggest media site to exist since CPAC, he adamantly refused to fall victim to the communal consensus.

“A fear of progress as a community.”

As the last quote suggests, Xing believes warfare shouldn’t be regulated by a league. Nor should a media organization also operate as a league. It’s a conflict of interest where the media, the arbitrator of the community, takes a nucleus role in community affairs. When permitted to head a league, it’s hard to maintain that unbias when you’re changing the very landscape of armies. To this day, he has shared his opinions on warfare which bear resemblance to the conditions of when Templars historically peaked. Unregulated, decentralized, and lengthy. Trends established by our predecessors in original armies, which are widely popular today. Especially at times when a league fails, it begs the question of whether the issue is with the league itself or a league in general?

“Implementation of a tribal mentality in his armies.”

Templars haven’t shown the same extremity as Elmikey’s Rebel Penguin Federation. If anything, neither has shown the same ferocity as the Recon Federation, the army with the strongest tribal mentality. Based on my interactions before and now, Templars come off as the most prideful army of their heritage. Several Templars continue to act like their supreme commander in other chats, continuously rep their army through statuses, and contribute solely to the army than outside of it.

The war posts written on the Templars’ website aren’t written to take a moral high ground. Compared to other declarations, the Templars inscribe such posts as a call to arms. Whether they’re morally right or wrong, Xing expects every man to do their duty and serve their proud nation. A victory for the Templars isn’t one for Xing to indulge, it’s for everyone. To serve your army is more than an obligation, it’s the greatest responsibility a man has.

Xing doesn’t indoctrinate his troops for the worse. He gives them such purpose to find interest in being a part of the army community. Outside, you hear people constantly complaining and very wavering loyalty between their army and another, most of which have bare differences aside from the people. Those apart of the Templars either choose to continue praising their army or fail to acknowledge it, there is no in-between.


If the post came off as something bashing Xing, you’re wrong. Though the perceptions come off negatively, they speak volumes about Xing. Everyone in today’s day and age can and wants to be a leader. When you have common sense and maturity, as well as being surrounded by people younger than yourself, you desire respect. Respect and control in the form of leadership. Xing isn’t your average 30-year-old leader legend, yet the accomplishments he’s achieved triumph over those older and wiser than him.

A prophet preaches his word, and the word becomes a religion sought or scorned by others. To be a prophet isn’t to be righteous, or virtuous. No one here is a saint but that doesn’t hurt your chances of moving forward. Everyone mortified Xing and everyone expected the Templars remained outcasted. Fortunately, having little confrontations with reality meant Xing failed to know where to stop and kept moving forward. He preached to those and gave others life, some of whom are recognized as nominations for legend today. From the ashes to public condemnations, to gain stardom.

The person of the year of 2021, the falsely vilified leader, and the Prophet of Jerusalem.

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