Grace Installed as Newest SWAT Leader

KLONDIKE, CP Army Headquarters-  Swat recently inducted Gracee as their new leader. What led to the decision of inducting their new leader?

Mare announcing Grace as the newest Swat Leader.

In May of 2020, Gracee was recruited off of CPO BY Mare and Aubz in which got her to join ODA. Two months later, she had joined Swat as their member. Then in August, Gracee was promoted to leader of ODA but soon after retired in October. She than rejoined leadership in November or about a month. Grace had been working hard on ranking up as a Swat member, in which then allowed her to become leader in training in December. Which then finally got her final promotion to leader.

CP Army Headquarters had the opportunity to speak with Gracee about her thoughts on being promoted to leadership.


What’s it like becoming the next leader for Swat?

It came as a surprise to me that I would be the next leader of SWAT, and I am happy to lead with the amazing leadership we have now. I’m excited to see what the next few months have in store for SWAT!

Do you have any plans for swat?

As we continue to grow as a community and as a team, my goals for SWAT are to have fun while still providing a safe environment for everyone. I hope SWAT continues to develop and achieve great things in future tournaments and battles. We will continue to strive for the best!

Do you have any favorite memories within the army?

The number of huge VCs we had in fall 2020 will always be one of my favorite SWAT memories. I was able to form many wonderful friendships, some of which I still have to this day. Those are memories I’ll never forget.

Is there anything else you would like to say?


Even though Gracee has been in the army community for a little over a year, it seems that she is ready to take on the responsibilities of being a leader. It looks like she’s ready to lead SWAT in the Legends Cup tournament and help them deem victorious.

What do YOU guys think? Will SWAT be able to reach new heights with their new leader? Do you guys think Gracee has what it takes to be a Swat’s leader? Let us know down below in the comment section!


CP Army Headquarters Reporter


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