Max Returns to Red Ravagers Leadership

KLONDIKE, CPA Headquarters – Recently, Red Ravagers creator Max, decided to rejoin the army and take its reins into his hands once more. What caused this sudden decision?

Max joined the Rebel Penguin Federation in August of 2019 before leaving in December of that year. He once more joined in April of the following year and retired soon after for the final time. From there he joined the Dark Bandits whilst also working on the Red Ravagers. The Red Ravagers officially opened in June and from there on he led until 5th December before retiring due to too much school pressure. Recently he put out an announcement where he announced his return

Max announcing his retirement; Click to enlarge

To find out more, the CP Army Headquarters reached out to him for a quick interview :

What plans do you have for the Red Ravagers in the near future?

i plan on largely growing rr and getting our numbers up while also making things more efficient

Do you have any ideas on how you’re gonna accomplish those plans?

1) recruiting 2) communication 3) secret

What made you want to come back to Red Ravagers leadership?

seeing everybody have so much fun and the memories of events and stuff. i want to see rr max in the triple digits under my leadership 😉 and also, i have free time now that school is back in real life and im not struggling with grades anymore

Is there anything else you’d like to add?

yes dread the red and hire me for graphics please and thanks

It seems that Max is once more ready to take on the reins of leadership and possibly lead the Red Ravagers into becoming a major army. Will he be able to accomplish his goals? How will the Red Ravagers move forward with Max back at the helm of their leadership?

What do YOU think? Let us know YOUR thoughts in the comments down below.


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